The LJC Libraries, Utilities and Applications are a set of .NET Assemblies that were developed to work together with the following objectives:

  1. Shorten the development time for building .NET Business Database Applications.
  2. Provide consistant, reusable code designed to emphasize readability and simplified maintenance.
  3. Provide a powerful and flexible set of database libraries.

The Database Libraries were designed to support the following features:

  1. Provide consistant, reusable code that simplifies database access and encapsulates database access best practices.
  2. Switch between the SQL Client, ODBC, OLEDB and MySQL data providers with only configuration file changes.
  3. Scale between Client/Server, Local Message Based, Remote Data Service or Web Data Service data access with only configuration changes.

Most LJC Solutions, Projects and output files are prefixed with "LJC" to distinguish them from other potentially similar named items and help prevent naming conflicts.

Common Libraries
System Build System Build Commands Overview
LJCNetCommon The .NET Common library. (DEC1)
LJCTextDataReaderLib The Text Data Reader library.
LJCWinFormCommon The WinForm Common library.
LJCWinFormControls The WinForm Controls library. (C)
LJCGridDataLib The DbResult Grid helper library.
Data Libraries
Data Overview Data Access Libraries Overview
LJCDataAccessConfig The Data Access Configuration library. (DO)
LJCDataAccess The ADO.NET Data Access library. (DEC)
LJCDBDataAccess The Message Data Access library. (DEC)
LJCDBMessage The Data Service Message library. (DOGEC2)
LJCDBClientLib The Data Service Client library. (DOEC3)
LJCDBServiceLib The Data Service library. (ROE)
LJCDBServiceConsoleHost The LJCDBServiceLib console host.
LJCDBServiceHost The LJCDBServiceLib windows host.
Text Generator Utility
LJCGenText The Gen Text console program. (DO)
LJCGenTextLib A Text Generator library. (RO)
LJCGenTableCode A program to generate table related code.
LJCGenTextEdit The GenText Editor Test Program. (D)
HTML Documentation Generator
LJCGenDoc A program to generate code documentation.
LJCGenDocLib The Code HTML Documentation Generator library.
LJCGenDocDAL The Code Documentation Generator Data Access Layer library. (DO)
LJCDocObjLib The Code Documentation data object library. (DOG)
LJCDocXMLObjLib The Code Documentation XML object library. (DOG)
LJCGenDocEdit The GenDoc Group Editor
Data View Data Access Layer
LJCDBViewDAL The Data View library.
Data View Editor
LJCViewEditor A program to maintain View data. (D)
LJCViewEditorDAL The LJCViewEditor Data Access Library.
26 Assemblies

R=Remark, D=Description, O=Object Pages, G=Object Graph, E=Example

Copyright © Lester J. Clark and Contributors.
Licensed under the MIT License.