/ Assembly List / LJCNetCommon

The .NET Common library contains classes that provide common functionality for all .NET program types.

The most commonly used Collection and Object class pairs are: DbColumns/DbColumn and DbValues/DbValue.

The test code is found in project CoreTestApps\LJCNetCommonTest.

NetCommon Contains common static functions. (RDE)
NetFile Contains common file related functions. (RE)
NetString Contains common string related functions.

DbColumn Represents a Data Column definition. (D)
DbColumns Represents a collection of DbColumn objects.
DbValue Represents a data source value.
DbValues Represents a collection of DbValue objects.
KeyItem Represents Key item values.
KeyItems Represents a collection of KeyItem objects.

DbColumnNameComparer Sort and search on column name.
DbColumnPropertyComparer Sort and search on PropertyName.
DbColumnRenameAsComparer Sort and search on RenameAs value.

LJCAssemblyReflect Provides Assembly Reflection methods. (DE)
LJCReflect Provides object property reflection capabilities. (DE)

CommonDataTypes Represents a collection of Common Data Types.
CommonKeywords Represents a collection of Common Key Words.
CommonModifiers Represents a collection of Common Modifiers.
Keywords Represents a collection of Keywords.
LibTypes Represents a collection of Library Types.
Modifiers Represents a collection of Modifiers.
PropertyDelegate Represents a PropertyDelegate definition.
PropertyDelegates Represents a collection of PropertyDelegate objects.
RefTypes Represents a collection of Reference Types.

Other Classes
AppSettings Represents the Configuration AppSettings. (RE)
CodeTokenizer A C# Code Tokenizer class. (RE)
Cryptography_Type The encryption types.
DataTypes Represents a collection of Data Types.
LJCCryptography Provides methods to encrypt and decrypt data in memory.
28 Types

Copyright © Lester J. Clark and Contributors.
Licensed under the MIT License.