/ Assembly List / LJCNetCommon / LJCAssemblyReflect

Namespace - LJCNetCommon


public class LJCAssemblyReflect

Provides Assembly Reflection methods. (DE)


Provides information for Constructors, Types, Methods, Properties and Fields.

The object reflection properties are set using the methods: SetAssembly(), SetConstructorInfo(), SetFieldInfo(), SetMethodInfo(), SetPropertyInfo() and SetTypeReference().

Once the reflection properties are set, the Syntax strings can be retrieved with the syntax methods: Get*Syntax();

#ctor Initializes an object instance.

Set Reflection Objects
SetAssembly Retrieves the Assembly reference. (R)
SetConstructorInfo Set the ConstructorInfo reference. (RE)
SetFieldInfo Set the FieldInfo reference. (RE)
SetMethodInfo Set the MethodInfo reference. (RE)
SetPropertyInfo Set the PropertyInfo reference. (RE)
SetTypeReference Set the Type reference. (RE)
GetIndexerInfo Gets the Indexer Property info.

Get Syntax Methods
GetConstructorSyntax Creates and returns the Constructor syntax. (E)
GetFieldSyntax Creates and returns the Field syntax string. (E)
GetGenericTypeSyntax Creates and returns the Generic Type syntax.
GetMethodSyntax Creates and returns the Method syntax. (E)
GetPropertySyntax Creates and returns the Property syntax string. (E)
GetTypeSyntax Creates and returns the Type syntax. (E)

Bool Check Methods
IsNotCommonClassification Indicates if the Type is not a common type.
IsNotCommonInterface Indicates if the Interface is not a common type.
IsNotProperty Indicates if the Method is not a property getter or setter.
IsOverride Indicates if the method is "override".
IsPublic Indicates if the method is "public".
18 Methods

Other Private Methods
1 Methods

Assembly The Assembly reference.
ConstructorInfo The constructor information.
FieldInfo The Field information.
FieldName The Field name.
FileSpec The Assembly file name.
MethodInfo The Method information.
MethodName The Method name.
PropertyInfo The Property information.
PropertyName The Property name.
TypeName The Type name.
TypeReference The Type reference.

Copyright © Lester J. Clark and Contributors.
Licensed under the MIT License.