/ Assembly List / LJCNetCommon / NetCommon

Namespace - LJCNetCommon


public class NetCommon

Contains common static functions. (RDE)


The NetCommon class contains static helper functions for all .NET program types.

CheckArgument``1 Check for missing argument of type: string with no value, null, integer = 0, IList with no ite
CompareNull Compare null values. (DE)
HasColumns Checks a data table for columns definitions.
HasData Checks a data table and returns true if it contains any rows. (E)
HasItems Checks a List<> Collection and returns true if it contains any items.
IsEqual Checks if two values are equal.

Text Transform Functions
Base64BytesToText Decodes a Base64 byte array to a Text value. (E)
TextToBase64Bytes Encodes a Text value to a Base64 byte array. (E)
Base64BytesToTextBytes Decodes a Base64 byte array to a Text byte array. (E)
TextBytesToBase64Bytes Encodes a byte array to a Base64 byte array. (E)
Base64ToText Decodes a Base64 value to a Text value. (E)
TextToBase64 Encodes a Text value to a Base64 value. (E)
Base64ToTextBytes Decodes a Base64 value to a Text byte array. (E)
TextBytesToBase64 Encodes a Text byte array to a Base64 value. (E)
BytesToText Creates text from a byte array. (E)
TextToBytes Creates a byte array from text. (E)
MemStreamToBytes Copies a memory stream to a byte array. (E)
BytesToMemStream Copies a byte array to a memory stream. (E)
MemStreamToString Creates a string from a memory stream. (E)
StringToMemStream Creates a memory stream from a string. (E)
XmlDecode Decodes an encoded XML string. (E)
XmlEncode Encodes a string with XML escape values. (E)

Serialization Functions
XmlDeserialize Deserialize an XML message file to an object. (E)
XmlDeserializeMessage Deserialize an XML message string to an object. (E)
XmlSerialize Serialize an object to an XML message file. (E)
XmlSerializeToString Serialize an object to an XML message string. (E)

Program Config Value Functions
ConfigBool Retrieves the Config bool value. (RE)
ConfigColor Retrieves the Config Color value. (RE)
ConfigString Retrieves the Config string value. (RE)

GetBoolean Gets a boolean value from an object.
GetByte Gets a byte value from an object.
GetChar Gets a char value from an object.
GetDateTime Gets a DateTime value from an object.
GetDecimal Gets a decimal value from an object. (E)
GetDouble Gets a double value from an object.
GetInt16 Gets a short value from an object. (E)
GetInt32 Gets an integer value from an object. (E)
GetInt64 Gets a long value from an object. (E)
GetObject Gets an instantiated object value.
GetSingle Gets a single value from an object.
GetString Gets a trimmed string value from an object. (E)

Other Public Methods
HasColumns Checks a data table for columns definitions.
HasTables Checks a DataSet for tables.
IsDbMinDate Checks for DB Minimum date or less.
44 Methods

Other Private Methods
ConsoleConfig Accept or Select the DataConfig.
1 Methods

TypeBoolean The Boolean type name.
TypeByte The Byte type name.
TypeChar The Char type name.
TypeDateTime The DateTime type name.
TypeDecimal Type Decimal type name.
TypeDouble The Double type name.
TypeInt16 The Int16 type name.
TypeInt32 The Int32 type name.
TypeInt64 The Int64 type name.
TypeSingle The Single type name.
TypeString The String type name.

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Licensed under the MIT License.