/ Assembly List / LJCNetCommon / LJCReflect

Namespace - LJCNetCommon


public class LJCReflect

Provides object property reflection capabilities. (DE)


This class is commonly used when accessing properties of a Data Object. The object reference is passed to the constructor.

The property objects can then be accessed with: GetPropertyNames(), GetPropertyType(), GetValue(), SetPropertyValue() and SetValue()

The typed property values can be retrieved with: GetDateTime(), GetDbDateString(), GetInt32() and GetString().

#ctor Instantiates an instance of the class.

GetPropertyInfo Gets the cached PropertyInfo value.
GetPropertyNames Gets a list of the property names.
GetPropertyType Get the property type.
HasProperty Missing Summary

GetBoolean Gets the property value as a boolean.
GetByte Gets the property value as a byte.
GetChar Gets the property value as a char.
GetDateTime Gets the property value as a DateTime value.
GetDbDateString Gets the property value as a DB date/time string.
GetDecimal Gets the property value as a decimal.
GetDouble Gets the property value as a double.
GetInt16 Gets the property value as a short.
GetInt32 Gets the property value as an integer.
GetInt64 Gets the property value as a long.
GetSingle Gets the property value as a float.
GetString Gets the property value as a string.
GetValue Gets the property value as an object using a delegate. (E)
GetValueReflect Gets the property value as an object using reflection.

Set Methods
SetPropertyValue Sets the property value based on value type. (E)
SetSource Sets the source object and type values.
SetValue Sets the property value.
22 Methods

PropertyInfos Gets or sets the PropertyInfos value.

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Licensed under the MIT License.