/ Assembly List / LJCNetCommon / DbColumns

Namespace - LJCNetCommon


public class DbColumns : List<DbColumn>

Represents a collection of DbColumn objects.


A DbColumn collection element can also be retrieved by name using the collection object: columns["ColumnName"];

Public Methods
#ctor Initializes an object instance.
#ctor The Copy constructor.
Add Adds the object element to the collection
Add Creates the Object from the arguments and adds it to the collection. (R)
Add Creates the Object from the arguments and adds it to the collection.
Add Creates the Object from the arguments and adds it to the collection.
Clone Clones the structure of the object.
HasItems Checks if the collection has items.
LJCAddPropertyAs Creates the DbColumn from the supplied values and adds to the collection. (R)
LJCClearChanged Sets the IsChanged value to false for all elements in the collection.
LJCCreateObjectColumns Creates DbColumns from a Data Object.
LJCDeserialize Deserializes from the specified XML file.
LJCGetBoolean Gets the column object value as a bool.
LJCGetByte Gets the column object value as a byte.
LJCGetChanged Gets a collection of changed columns.
LJCGetChar Gets the column object value as a char.
LJCGetColumn Returns a column by property name.
LJCGetColumns Returns a set of columns that match the supplied list.
LJCGetColumns Configure the Grid Columns from the Data object properties.
LJCGetDbDateTime Gets the column object value as a DateTime.
LJCGetDecimal Gets the column object value as a decimal value.
LJCGetDouble Gets the column object value as a double.
LJCGetInt16 Gets the column object value as a short int.
LJCGetInt32 Gets the column object value as an int.
LJCGetInt64 Gets the column object value as a long int.
LJCGetMinSqlDate Get the minimum date value.
LJCGetObject Gets the column object value as an object.
LJCGetPropertyNames Get the list of property names.
LJCGetPropertyNames Creates a PropertyNames list from a DataObject.
LJCGetSingle Gets the column object value as a single.
LJCMapNames Maps the column property and rename values.
LJCRemoveColumn Removes a grid column.
LJCSearchColumnName Retrieve the collection element with name.
LJCSearchPropertyName Finds and returns the column that contains the supplied property name.
LJCSearchRenameAs Finds and returns the column that contains the supplied RenameAs value.
LJCSerialize Serializes the collection to a file.
LJCSetColumnCaptions Sets the caption properties.
LJCSetData Add or Update.
LJCSetValue Sets the value for the column with the specified name.
LJCSortAddOrderIndex Sort on AddOrderIndex.
LJCSortName Sort on ColumnName.
LJCSortProperty Sort on RenameAs.
LJCSortRenameAs Sort on RenameAs.
op_Implicit Creates a DbValues object from a DbColumns object. (E)
44 Methods

Private Methods
LJCGetString Missing Summary
1 Methods

Item The column for the specified property name.
LJCDefaultFileName Gets the Default File Name.

Copyright © Lester J. Clark and Contributors.
Licensed under the MIT License.