System Build Commands

The System Build commands are in the LJCProjects folder.

BuildAll Command

The BuildAll command "BuildAll.cmd" builds all the system Solutions.

The BuildAll command calls each SolutionBuild command.

ClearBuild Command

The ClearBuild command "ClearBuild.cmd" clears all the system Projects.

The ClearBuild command calls each SolutionClear command file to remove the compiled and generated code.
This makes the Solutions ready to be backed up.

UpdateAll Command

The UpdateAll command "UpdateAll.cmd" updates all the system Projects.

The UpdateAll command calls each SolutionUpdate command file to copy the Referenced and Runtime dependencies.

Solution Commands

The Solution commands are in each solution folder.

SolutionBuild Command

Each Solution has a unique SolutionBuild command.
The SolutionBuild command name starts with "Build" and is followed with a Solution name.
This is useful if you want to build only that Solution without starting Visual Studio.

The SolutionBuild command calls the SolutionUpdate command file before building the Solution.

SolutionUpdate Command

Each Solution has a unique SolutionUpdate command.
The SolutionUpdate command name starts with "Update" and is followed with a Solution name.

The SolutionUpdate command copies the Referenced and Runtime dependencies for the Solution Projects.

SolutionClear Command

Each Solution has a unique SolutionClear command.
The SolutionClear command name starts with "Clear" and is followed with a Solution name.
This is useful if you want to clear only that Solutions Projects.

The SolutionClear command file removes the compiled and generated code.
This makes the Solution Projects ready to be backed up.

System Build Procedure

The SolutionUpdate command copies the Referenced dependencies to the Solution "External" folder.
It copies the Runtime dependencies to the projects bin/Debug folder.

Referencing dependencies in the External folder allows the developer to create and test changes in the current Solution without being affected by changes in the dependencies.

The developer can run the SolutionUpdate command when they are ready to incorporate
the potentially changed Referenced and Runtime dependencies.