/ Assembly List / LJCDBClientLib

Data Service Client Library

The Data Service Client library contains classes for applications to communicate with the Data Service LJCDBServiceLib.DbService.
These classes can also be used to directly communicate with the Message Data Access class LJCDBDataAccessLib.DbDataAccess.

The Data Service Client library uses Data Definitions.These definitions identify the available columns in the queried tables.The primary table Data Definitions are created automatically when the Data Manager object is created.

The Data Manager creates LJCDBMessage.DbRequest Objects that are serialized to Request XML messages.These Request XML messages are sent to the Data Service.

The Data Service returns Result XML messages. These are formatted into LJCDBMessage.DbResult objects. The Result objects can be used to populate application Data Objects.

The Object Manager is designed to work with application Data Objects. Some of the class methods take a Data Object as a parameter and can manipulate properties in the Data Object using Reflection.

Referenced Assemblies


Runtime Required Assemblies


Manager Configuration Diagram Manager Data Methods Diagram

DbServiceClient The Proxy client object.
DbServiceRef Contains the DbDataAccess, local DbService and DbServiceClient proxy referen
IDbService The Proxy DbService contract.
IDbServiceChannel The Proxy ServiceChannel contract.

DataManager Missing Summary
DbManager Provides DbDataAccess data manipulation methods.
IDataManager Provides standard data manipulation.
ManagerCommon Contains common static manager methods.
ObjectManager`2 Provides object specific data methods. (RE)
SQLManager Provides SQL data manipulation methods.

Other Classes
ChangedNames Contains the list of changed property names.
StandardUISettings The Standard Setting values.
12 Types

Copyright © Lester J. Clark and Contributors.
Licensed under the MIT License.