/ Assembly List / LJCDBClientLib / DbManager

Namespace - LJCDBClientLib


public class DbManager

Provides DbDataAccess data manipulation methods.

Public Methods
#ctor Initializes an object instance.
Add Adds a Data Record to the database.
Delete Deletes the records with the specified key values.
ExecuteRequest Executes the supplied request.
Load Loads a collection of data records.
Reset Resets the data access configuration.
Retrieve Retrieves a record from the database.
SetLookupColumns Adds the lookup column names.
Update Updates the record.
9 Methods

AffectedCount Gets or sets the non-select affected record count.
BaseDefinition Gets the base data definition columns collection.
DataConfigName Gets or sets the data configuration name.
DataDefinition Gets the data definition columns collection.
LookupColumnNames Gets or sets the LookupColumn names.
SchemaName The Schema name.
SQLStatement Gets or sets the last SQL statement.
TableName The primary table name.

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Licensed under the MIT License.