/ Assembly List / LJCViewEditorDAL

Provides Data Access Layer (DAL) classes for the LJCViewEditor program.

The LJCViewEditorDAL library contains Data and Manager classes for presenting an object oriented view of the View Editor database data.

The Manager classes use LJC.DataAccess to communicate with the database.

The LJCViewEditorDAL project is part of the LJCViewEditor solution.

DataHelper Provides ViewEditor helper functions.
DataType The DataType table Data Record.
DataTypeManager Provides Table specific data manipulation methods.
DataTypes Represents a collection of DataType objects.
SqlTable Represents a database table.
SqlTableManager Provides Table specific data manipulation methods.
SqlTables Represents a collection of SqlTable items.
ViewEditorManagers Creates the SystemBuildDAL Manager objects.
8 Types

Copyright © Lester J. Clark and Contributors.
Licensed under the MIT License.