/ Assembly List / LJCGenDocDAL

Provides Data Access Layer (DAL) classes for the LJCDocGenLib library.

The LJCGenDocDAL library contains Data and Manager classes for presenting an object oriented view of the DocGroup XML data.

The LJCGenDocDAL project is part of the LJC.DocLib solution.

Doc Assembly Tables Doc Class Tables Doc Method Tables

DocAssemblies Represents a collection of DocAssembly objects.
DocAssembly The DocAssembly table Data Object.
DocAssemblyGroup The DocAssemblyGroup table Data Object.
DocAssemblyGroupManager Provides table specific data methods.
DocAssemblyGroups Represents a collection of DocAssemblyGroup objects.
DocAssemblyGroupUniqueComparer Sort and search on Name value.
DocAssemblyManager Provides table specific data methods.
DocAssemblySequenceComparer Sort and search on Sequence.
DocAssemblyUniqueComparer Sort and search on Name value.
DocClass The DocClass table Data Object.
DocClasses Represents a collection of DocClass objects.
DocClassGroup The DocClassGroup table Data Object.
DocClassGroupHeading The DocClassGroupHeading table Data Object.
DocClassGroupHeadingManager Provides table specific data methods.
DocClassGroupHeadings Represents a collection of DocClassGroupHeading objects.
DocClassGroupHeadingUniqueComparer Sort and search on Name value.
DocClassGroupManager Provides table specific data methods.
DocClassGroups Represents a collection of DocClassGroup objects.
DocClassGroupUniqueComparer Sort and search on Name value.
DocClassManager Provides table specific data methods.
DocClassUniqueComparer Sort and search on Name value.
DocGenAssemblies Represents a collection of DocGenAssembly objects.
DocGenAssembly The DocGenAssembly table Data Record.
DocGenGroup The DocGenGroup table Data Record.
DocGenGroupManager Provides DocGenGroup specific data manipulation methods.
DocGenGroups Represents a collection of DocGenGroup objects.
DocGenGroupSequenceComparer Sort and search on Sequence.
DocMethod The DocMethod table Data Object.
DocMethodGroup The DocMethodGroup table Data Object.
DocMethodGroupHeading The DocMethodGroupHeading table Data Object.
DocMethodGroupHeadingManager Provides table specific data methods.
DocMethodGroupHeadings Represents a collection of DocMethodGroupHeading objects.
DocMethodGroupHeadingUniqueComparer Sort and search on Heading value.
DocMethodGroupManager Provides table specific data methods.
DocMethodGroups Represents a collection of DocMethodGroup objects.
DocMethodGroupUniqueComparer Sort and search on Name value.
DocMethodManager Provides table specific data methods.
DocMethods Represents a collection of DocMethod objects.
DocMethodUniqueComparer Sort and search on Name value.
ManagersGenDoc Gets the Manager objects.
ValuesGenDoc The Application values singleton class.
41 Types

Copyright © Lester J. Clark and Contributors.
Licensed under the MIT License.