/ Assembly List / LJCGenDocDAL / DocAssemblyManager

Namespace - LJCGenDocDAL


public class DocAssemblyManager

Provides table specific data methods.

Public Methods
#ctor Initializes an object instance.
Add Adds a Data Record to the database.
ChangeSequence Changes the moved sequence values.
Delete Deletes a Data Record with the specified ID.
GetColumns Gets the collection of specified columns.
IsDuplicate Check for duplicate unique key.
Load Retrieves a collection of Data Records.
LoadResult Retrieves a collection of Data Records.
LoadWithParentID Loads a collection of Data Records with the supplied value.
ResetSequence Resets the sequence values.
Retrieve Retrieves a Data Record from the database.
RetrieveWithID Retrieves a Data Record with the supplied value.
RetrieveWithName Retrieves a Data Record with the supplied name value.
RetrieveWithUnique Retrieves a record with the supplied unique values.
SetOrderBy Sets the current OrderBy names.
Update Updates the Data Record.
16 Methods

Private Methods
GetIDKey Missing Summary
GetNameKey Missing Summary
GetParentIDKey Missing Summary
GetUniqueKey Missing Summary
4 Methods

AssemblyGroupID Gets or sets the GroupID value.
Manager Gets or sets the DataManager reference.
ResultConverter Gets or sets the ResultConverter reference.
SourceSequence Gets or sets the SourceSequence value.
TargetSequence Gets or sets the TargetSequence value.

Copyright © Lester J. Clark and Contributors.
Licensed under the MIT License.