/ Assembly List / LJCGenDocDAL / DocClassGroupHeadingManager

Namespace - LJCGenDocDAL


public class DocClassGroupHeadingManager

Provides table specific data methods.

Public Methods
#ctor Initializes an object instance.
Add Adds a Data Record to the database.
ChangeSequence Changes the moved sequence values.
Delete Deletes a Data Record with the specified ID.
GetColumns Gets the collection of specified columns.
IsDuplicate Check for duplicate unique key.
Load Retrieves a collection of Data Records.
LoadResult Retrieves a collection of Data Records.
ResetSequence Resets the sequence values.
Retrieve Retrieves a Data Record from the database.
RetrieveWithID Retrieves a Data Record with the supplied value.
RetrieveWithUnique Retrieves a Data Record with the supplied name value.
SetOrderBy Sets the current OrderBy names.
Update Updates the Data Record.
14 Methods

Private Methods
GetIDKey Missing Summary
GetUniqueKey Missing Summary
2 Methods

Manager Gets or sets the DataManager reference.
ResultConverter Gets or sets the ResultConverter reference.
SourceSequence Gets or sets the SourceSequence value.
TargetSequence Gets or sets the TargetSequence value.

Copyright © Lester J. Clark and Contributors.
Licensed under the MIT License.