/ Assembly List / LJCGenDocDAL / DocGenGroupManager

Namespace - LJCGenDocDAL


public class DocGenGroupManager

Provides DocGenGroup specific data manipulation methods.

Public Methods
#ctor Initializes an object instance.
DeleteAssembly Deletes a DocGenAssembly entry.
DeleteGroup Deletes a DocGenGroup and all associated DocGenAssemblies.
Load Loads a collection of data records from the XML file.
LoadAssemblies Loads the group assembly data records.
Save Saves the updated XML file.
SearchName Retrieves a data record with the supplied value.
SearchNameAssembly Retrieves a data record with the supplied values.
8 Methods

DocGenGroups Gets or sets the DocGenGroups value.
FileName Gets or sets the File name.

Copyright © Lester J. Clark and Contributors.
Licensed under the MIT License.