/ Assembly List / LJCGenDocDAL / DocClasses

Namespace - LJCGenDocDAL


public class DocClasses : List<DocClass>

Represents a collection of DocClass objects.

Public Methods
#ctor Initializes an object instance.
#ctor The Copy constructor.
Add Creates and adds the object from the provided values.
Clone Clones the structure of the object.
GetCollection Get custom collection from List.
HasItems Checks if the collection has items.
LJCDeserialize Deserializes from the specified XML file.
LJCSearchUnique Retrieve the collection element with unique values.
LJCSerialize Serializes the collection to a file.
LJCSortUnique Sort on Name.
10 Methods

LJCDefaultFileName Gets the Default File Name.

Copyright © Lester J. Clark and Contributors.
Licensed under the MIT License.