/ Assembly List / LJCWinFormControls

The WinForm Controls library contains extended controls for use in WinForm programs.

The WinForm Controls library is part of the LJCLibraries solution.

Referenced Assemblies


LJCItem Represents an LJCItemCombo Item.
LJCItemCombo Provides custom functionality for a ComboBox control. (R)

LJCDataGrid Provides custom functionality for a DataGridView control. (D)
LJCGridRow Provides custom functionality for a DataGridViewRow control.

LJCTabControl Provides custom drag and drop functionality for a TabControl.
LJCTabPanel A Tab control in a panel.
PanelControlsAdjust Contains standard panel control adjustment values.

Other Classes
Calendar The calendar form.
ColorSetting The ColorSetting data class.
ColorSettings The Collection of ColorSetting items.
ControlCommon Provides common WinForm Controls methods.
InfoWindow The Info window.
ListHelper Provides methods for setting a complex list control when AutoScaleMode.Font is used.
LJCHeaderBox A custom control for heading text. (R)
LJCPanelManager Provides funtionality to manage a collapsable panel splitter.
LJCRtControl The enhanced Rich Text control.
SyntaxColors The line color settings.
TextDisplay Provides a form to display messages that can be copied.
18 Types

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Licensed under the MIT License.