/ Assembly List / LJCWinFormControls / LJCDataGrid

Namespace - LJCWinFormControls


public class LJCDataGrid : DataGridView

Provides custom functionality for a DataGridView control. (D)

#ctor Initializes an object instance.
#ctor Initializes an object instance and adds it to a container.

Row Data Methods
LJCRowAdd Adds a GridRow control to the grid.
LJCRowInsert Inserts a GridRow control into the grid.
LJCRowsClear Clears the rows without allowing SelectionChange.

Column Data Methods
LJCGetMouseColumn Retrieves the column where the mouse was clicked.
LJCGetMouseColumnIndex Retrieves the column index where the mouse was clicked.

Row Set Methods
LJCSetCurrentRow Sets the current row to the specified index.
LJCSetCurrentRow Sets the current row.
LJCSetCurrentRow Sets the current row to the mouse row.

Row Selection Changed
LJCIsDifferentRow Compares the current row against the last selected row.
LJCSetLastRow Saves the last selected row index.

Grid Configuration
LJCSetPlain Sets the grid to a simple read-only grid.
LJCSetLastColumnAutoSizeFill Sets the last column AutoSizeMode to "Fill" if the columns width is less than the grid width.
LJCAddColumn Adds a column to the grid.
LJCAddColumn Adds a grid column.
LJCAddCheckColumn Adds a Checkbox column.
LJCSaveColumnValues Saves the grid column values.
LJCRestoreColumnValues Restores the grid column values.

Other Public Methods
LJCAddColumns Adds the grid columns.
LJCExportData Exports the grid values to a data file.
LJCGetCurrentRow Returns the current or first row.
LJCGetDragRowIndex Retrieves the row for a DragOver or DragDrop event.
LJCGetMouseRow Gets the row at the cursor location.
LJCGetMouseRow Retrieves the row where the mouse was clicked
LJCGetMouseRowIndex Retrieves the row index for the X and Y values.
LJCGetMouseRowIndex Retrieves the row index where the mouse was clicked.
LJCSetColumnWidth Sets the column width from the supplied character width value.
LJCSetCounter Sets the grid count in the counter label.
29 Methods

Other Private Methods
Dispose Clean up any resources being used.
InitializeComponent Required method for Designer support - do not modify the contents of this method with the code editor.
OnColumnWidthChanged The OnColumnWidthChanged event method.
OnCreateControl Sets the initial NoFocus colors.
OnDragDrop Missing Summary
OnDragLeave Missing Summary
OnDragOver Missing Summary
OnEnter Sets the focus colors.
OnLeave Sets the NoFocus colors.
OnMouseDown Missing Summary
OnMouseMove Missing Summary
OnMouseUp Missing Summary
OnResize The OnResize event method.
13 Methods

LJCAllowDrag Missing Summary
LJCAllowSelectionChange Gets or sets the allow SelectionChange indicator.
LJCDragDataName Missing Summary
LJCLastRowIndex The last changed row index.
LJCRowHeight Gets or sets the Row Height value.

components Required designer variable.

Copyright © Lester J. Clark and Contributors.
Licensed under the MIT License.