/ Assembly List / LJCWinFormControls / LJCRtControl

Namespace - LJCWinFormControls


public class LJCRtControl : RichTextBox

The enhanced Rich Text control.

Public Methods
#ctor Initializes an object instance.
LJCAppend Adds text to the control.
LJCAppend Adds text with a font.
LJCAppend Adds text with a font and a color.
LJCAppendLine Adds a carriage return line feed.
LJCAppendLine Adds the text plus a CR/LF.
LJCAppendLine Adds text with a font and CR/LF.
LJCAppendLine Adds text with a font, color and CR/LF.
LJCGetCurrentLine Retrieve the current line text.
LJCGetCurrentLineIndex Retrieve the current line index value.
LJCGetLineText Gets the text for the specified line.
LJCLeadingSpaceToTabCount Gets the number of tabs that are required based on the leadingSpaces count.
LJCLoadFromFile Reads a file into the Control and sets the leading tabs.
LJCPrepareLine Prepares the line for text editor display.
LJCReadFileToRTF Reads a file into an LJCRtControl and sets the leading tabs.
LJCSetDelimitedTextColor Sets the text color for the delimited string value.
LJCSetLeadingSpacesToSpaces Sets the leading spaces to a different number of spaces.
LJCSetLeadingSpacesToTabs Sets the text leading spaces to tabs.
LJCSetLeadingTabsToSpaces Sets the leading tabs to spaces.
LJCSetTextColor Sets the text color from the beginning offset to length.
20 Methods

Private Methods
Dispose Clean up any resources being used.
InitializeComponent Required method for Designer support - do not modify the contents of this method with the code editor.
2 Methods

components Required designer variable.

Copyright © Lester J. Clark and Contributors.
Licensed under the MIT License.