/ Assembly List / LJCWinFormCommon

The WinForm Common library contains common classes for use in WinForm programs.

The WinForm Common library is part of the LJCLibraries solution.

The FormCommon Static Function Class is used in WinForms.

The most commonly used Collection and Object class pair is ControlValues/ControlValue.

ChangeTimer is a commonly used class in List WinForms.

Referenced Assemblies


FormCommon Provides common WinForms methods.

ControlValue Represents a control's position and size.
ControlValues Represents a collection of ControlValue objects.
ModuleReference Represents a module reference.
ModuleReferences Represents a collection of ModuleReference objects.

ModuleNameComparer Sort and search on file name and module name.

Other Classes
ChangeTimer Provides Change Processing functionality.
7 Types

Copyright © Lester J. Clark and Contributors.
Licensed under the MIT License.