/ Assembly List / LJCWinFormCommon / ModuleReference

Namespace - LJCWinFormCommon


public class ModuleReference : IComparable<ModuleReference>

Represents a module reference.

#ctor Initializes an object instance.

CompareTo Provides the default Sort functionality.

Get Object Reference
GetAssembly Retrieves the Assembly reference.
GetControlInstance Retrieves the ConrolInstance reference.
GetControlType Retrieves the ControlType reference.
GetEventInfo Retrieves the PageClose event info.
GetInitMethodInfo Retrieves the LJCInit() MethodInfo reference.
GetTabControl Retrieves the TabControl reference.
GetTabsMethodInfo Retrieves the LJCTabs() MethodInfo reference.

Other Public Methods
SetPageCloseEventHandler Adds the Module_PageClose event handler to the module PageClose event.
10 Methods

Assembly The assembly reference.
CloseEventInfo The tab control reference.
ControlInstance The control object instance.
ControlType The control type reference.
FileName The parent assembly file name.
InitMethodInfo The init method reference.
ModuleDisplayName The module display name.
ModuleName The module name.
TabControl The tab control reference.
TabPageNames The tab control reference.
TabsMethodInfo The tabs method reference.

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Licensed under the MIT License.