The Data Config Dropdown contains the available Data Config item names. The names are retrieved from the DataConfigs.xml file.
The Table Dropdown list is populated with the Data Source Table names when the Data Config name is selected from the Data Config Dropdown list
The DataConfig.xml file definitions are used to connect to the available Data Sources. It uses the following layout.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <DataConfigs xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd=""> <DataConfig> <Name>ConfigName</Name> <DbServer>DBServer\Instance</DbServer> <Database>DatabaseName</Database> <ConnectionTypeName>SqlServer</ConnectionTypeName> </DataConfig> <DataConfig> <Name>MySQLConfigName</Name> <DbServer>LocalHost</DbServer> <Database>DatabaseName</Database> <ConnectionTypeName>MySql</ConnectionTypeName> <UserID>root</UserID> <Pswd>Password</Pswd> </DataConfig> </DataConfigs>
The Context Menu can be displayed by clicking the right mouse button on the Combobox control.
Displays the context sensitive Help Page.