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General Topics

How to use the LJCProjects code.

How to add LJC Custom Controls to the ToolBox.


How to Configure DataAccess connection string using DbConnectionStringBuilder.

How to Configure DataAccess using DataConfigs.

How to add DataTable Rows to an LJCDataGrid using TableData.

The Example Data Object.

How to get a Data Object from an LJCGridRow.


The Example Data Object.

How to Add a data record.

How to Delete a data record.

How to Retrieve a data record.

How to retrieve data using Row Saved Values.

How to Retrieve a data record With Joins.

How to update data using Keys.

How to update data using Filters.


The Smart Data Object.

A Strong Typed Province Manager.

How to Add a Province record.

How to Load Province records in an LJCDataGrid.

How to Retrieve a Province record.

How to Update a Province record.

Testing Tutorials

Data Access

DAL Test Proram

Show Data in DataGridView

Show Data in LJCDataGrid


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Licensed under the MIT License.