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This example uses the DataAccess code.

Adding Data to a DataGridView

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Linq;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using PersonDAL;

namespace PersonApp
  public partial class PersonList : Form
    #region Constructors

    /// <summary>Initializes an object instance.</summary<
    public PersonList()

    #region Form Event Handlers

    // Configures the form and loads the initial control data.
    private void PersonList_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

    #region Data Methods

    // Retrieves the list rows into a DataGridView Grid.
    private void DataRetrieve()
      // Get the data.
      DataTable dataTable = mPersonManager.GetDataTable();

      // Add the grid rows.
      foreach (DataRow dataRow in dataTable.Rows)
        // Add a new Grid Row.
        int index = PersonGrid.Rows.Add();
        DataGridViewRow gridRow = PersonGrid.Rows[index];
        gridRow.Height = 18;

        // Add the Data Values to the Grid Row.
        foreach (DataColumn dataColumn in dataTable.Columns)
          string columnName = dataColumn.ColumnName;

          // Get the Data Value and create the Cell value.
          object cellValue = "";
          object dataValue = dataRow[columnName];
          if (dataValue != null)
            cellValue = dataValue.ToString();

          // The DataColumn name must be the same as the Grid Column name.
          if (mPersonDisplayNames.Contains(columnName))
            // Set the Cell value.
            DataGridViewCell cell = gridRow.Cells[columnName];
            cell.Value = cellValue.ToString();

    #region Setup Methods

    // Configures the controls and loads the selection control data.
    private void InitializeControls()
      // Initialize Class Data.
      mPersonManager = new PersonManager();

      // Set initial control values.

    // Setup the grid display columns.
    private void SetupGridPerson()
      DataColumnCollection columns;

      // Specify the Grid Display Column names.
      mPersonDisplayNames = new string[]
      columns = mPersonManager.GetColumns(mPersonDisplayNames);

      PersonGrid.RowHeadersVisible = false;
      foreach (DataColumn dataColumn in columns)
        // Set Grid Column name the same as the DataColumn name.
        string name = dataColumn.ColumnName;
        int index = PersonGrid.Columns.Add(name, name);
        DataGridViewColumn gridColumn = PersonGrid.Columns[index];
        gridColumn.Width = 150;
        if (gridColumn.Name.Equals("PrincipleFlag"
          , StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
          gridColumn.AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.Fill;

    #region Class Data

    private PersonManager mPersonManager;
    private string[] mPersonDisplayNames;

/ Home / HowTo / DataGridView

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