/ Home / HowTo / GenTextEditor / OutputTab / OutputText

The GenText Editor contains the Output Tab with the Output Text.

Context Menu

The Context Menu can be displayed by clicking the right mouse button on the Output text. The menu items apply to the selected output file.

If you are using a Tablet or a laptop in Tablet Mode, touch the desired list item and leave your finger on the item for a short while until a box is displayed. This shows that the touch is considered a right mouse click. Remove your finger and the context menu will be displayed.

XML Decode

Decodes XML entities to XML special characters. This allows HTML display code to be converted back to normal XML.

XML Encode

Encodes XML special characters to XML entites. This allows HTML to display XML information.

HTML XML Syntax Decode

This is a "Tool" menu item to Decode special replacement values to HTML Syntax colors. It helps the user to work with and visualize the XML easier than dealing with the <span> elements.

After the XML is marked up with these replacement values it can be Decoded to the corresponding <span> elements for display in an HTML document.

_ab_ "Attribute Begin" = "<span class='attrib'>"
_nb_ "Name Begin"      = "<span class='name'><span class='ltgt'><</span>"
_ne_ "Name End"        = "</span><span class='ltgt'>></span>"
_se_ "Span End"        = "<span>"

The "attrib", "Name" and "ltgt" selector classes are defined in CodeDoc.css.

HTML XML Syntax Encode

This "Tool" menu item converts the <span> elements back into replacement values. It is the reverse of the "HTML XML Syntax Decode" menu item.

HTML C# Syntax Colors

This "Tool" menu item modifies the C# code with <span> elements to give it HTML Syntax coloring. There is no "Encode" function.

Generate Output

The 'Generate Output' menu item generates the Output Text based on the selected Template and Data. It performs the same function as the 'Generate Output' menu items on the Template Text, Section List, Item List, and Replacement List.


The 'Save' menu item saves the Output file using the name specified in the Output TextBox.


The 'Exit' menu item closes the window and exits the application.


The 'Help' menu item displays the context sensitive Help Page.

/ Home / HowTo / GenTextEditor / OutputTab / OutputText

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Licensed under the MIT License.