/ Assembly List / LJCTextDataReaderLib / LineOffsets

Namespace - LJCTextDataReaderLib


public class LineOffsets : List<LineOffset>

Represents a collection of LineOffset items.

Public Methods
#ctor Initializes an object instance.
Add Creates and adds the object from the provided values.
LJCGetLineOffset Returns the line offset for the specified line.
LJCGetNextLineOffset Gets the offset for the next line.
LJCSearchByNumber Retrieve the collection element by number.
LJCSetNextLineOffset Sets the offset for the next line.
6 Methods

LJCCurrentLineNumber Gets or sets the current line number.
LJCCurrentOffset Gets or sets the current line offset value.
LJCStream Gets or sets a reference to the file stream.

Copyright © Lester J. Clark and Contributors.
Licensed under the MIT License.