/ Assembly List / LJCDocObjLib / DataAssembly

Namespace - LJCDocObjLib


public class DataAssembly : IComparable<DataAssembly>

Represents the Assembly documentation data.


The Assembly data object contain the list of class/type data objects.

Public Methods
#ctor Initializes an object instance.
#ctor Initializes an object instance.
CompareTo Provides the default Sort functionality.
CreateTypesData Creates the child class/type data.
GetAssemblyReflect Get the AssemblyReflect object.
ToString The object string identifier.
6 Methods

AssemblyReflect Gets or sets the LJCAssemblyReflect object.
DataRoot Gets or sets the DataRoot value.
DataTypes Gets or sets the DataTypes list.
Description Gets or sets the assembly description.
Doc Gets or sets the Doc value.
MainImage Gets or sets the assembly page image.
Name Gets or sets the Assembly Name value.
XmlFileSpec Gets or sets the XML file specification.

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Licensed under the MIT License.