/ Assembly List / LJCDataAccessConfig / ConnectionTemplate

Namespace - LJCDataAccessConfig


public class ConnectionTemplate : IComparable<ConnectionTemplate>

Represents a Connection String template.


A connection template contains the connection string format with replaceable parameters. The replaceable parameters are wrapped in braces.
    <Template>Data Source={DbServer}; Initial Catalog={Database}; Integrated Security=True</Template>

These replaceable parameters are populated with the associated connection values from the Data Configuration.

  Value      Parameter
  DbServer   {DbServer}
  Database   {Database}
  UserID     {UID}
  Pswd       {PSWD}

Public Methods
#ctor Initializes an object instance.
Clone Creates and returns a clone of the object.
CompareTo Provides the default Sort functionality.
ToString The object string identifier.
4 Methods

Name Gets or sets the connection type name.
Template Gets or sets the connection string template.

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Licensed under the MIT License.