/ Assembly List / LJCDataAccess / ProcedureParameter

Namespace - LJCDataAccess


public class ProcedureParameter : IComparable<ProcedureParameter>

Represents a Procedure Parameter.

Public Methods
#ctor Initializes an object instance.
#ctor The Copy constructor.
Clone Clones the structure of the object.
CompareTo Provides the default Sort functionality.
ToString The object string identifier.
5 Methods

Direction Gets or sets the ParameterDirection value.
MySqlDbType Gets or sets the MySqlDbType value.
ParameterName Gets or sets the ParameterName value.
Precision Gets or sets the Precision value.
Size Gets or sets the Size value.
SqlDbType Gets or sets the SqlDbType value.
Value Gets or sets the Value.

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Licensed under the MIT License.