/ Assembly List / LJCDataAccess / DataCommon

Namespace - LJCDataAccess


public class DataCommon

Provides common data methods.


The Data Common class contains static data helper methods.

Public Methods
DataColumnClone Clones a DataColumn object.
GetColumns Get a DataColumn collection from the specified ColumnName values.
GetConnectionType Retrieves the database connection DatabaseType value.
GetDbDate Converts the date string to a DateTime value.
GetDbDateString Formats the DateTime value to a date string in database format.
GetDbDateTime Converts the date string to a DateTime value.
GetDbDateTimeString Formats the DateTime value to a date/time string in database format.
GetMinDateTime Get the minimum date/time value.
GetMinUIDateTimeString Get the minimum date/time string formatted for display.
GetUIDateString Format the date value for display.
GetUIDateTimeString Format the date/time value for display.
GetUITimeString Format the date/time to time for display.
SetTableMapping Sets the data adapter table mappings.
SetTableMappingMySql Sets the data adapter table mappings.
14 Methods

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