/ Assembly List / LJCDBViewDAL / ViewJoinOn

Namespace - LJCDBViewDAL


public class ViewJoinOn : IComparable<ViewJoinOn>

The ViewJoinOn table Data Record.

Public Methods
#ctor Initializes an object instance.
Clone Clones the structure of the object.
CompareTo Provides the default Sort functionality.
ToString The object string identifier.
4 Methods

ChangedNames Gets a reference to the ChangedNames list.
FromColumnName Gets or sets the FromColumnName value.
ID Gets or sets the ID value.
JoinOnOperator Gets or sets the JoinOnOperator value.
ToColumnName Gets or sets the ToColumnName value.
ViewJoinID Gets or sets the ViewJoinID value.

ColumnFromColumnName The FromColumnName value.
ColumnID The ID value.
ColumnJoinOnOperator The JoinOnOperator value.
ColumnToColumnName The ToColumnName value.
ColumnViewJoinID The ViewJoinID value.
LengthFromColumnName The FromColumnName maximum length.
LengthJoinOperator The JoinOperator maximum length.
LengthToColumnName The ToColumnName maximum length.
TableName The table name value.

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Licensed under the MIT License.