/ Assembly List / LJCDBMessage / DbResult

Namespace - LJCDBMessage


public class DbResult

Represents a Request result. (R)


The DbResult object contains the RequestTypeName and TableName that were in the original DbQuery request.

It also contains the DbRecords object with the result data.

DeserializeMessage Deserializes the DbResult message.
HasColumns Checks if the result has Columns.
HasData Checks if the result has Columns.
HasRows Checks if the result has Rows.
SetColumns Sets the Columns property from the Request columns.

#ctor Initializes an object instance.
#ctor Initializes an object instance with the DbRequest object.
#ctor The Copy constructor.
#ctor Initializes an object instance with the supplied values.

Clone Clones the structure of the object.
HasColumns Checks if the result has Columns.
HasData Checks if the result has Columns.
HasRows Checks if the result has Rows.
Serialize Serializes the object and returns the serialized string.
Serialize Serialize the object to the specified file.
SetColumns Sets the Columns property from the principle and join columns.

Other Public Methods
CreateResultColumns Creates combined DbColumns from result DbColumns and DbValues.
GetRowValues Gets the result values from the data row.
GetValueColumns Get DbValues from result records.
SetData Sets the result records from the DataTable and DbRequest objects.
SetRows Sets the result records from the DataTable, principle values and join values.
21 Methods

Other Private Methods
AddJoinRowValues Adds the join values.
1 Methods

AffectedRecords Gets or sets the non-query affected record count.
Columns Gets the collection of columns that belong to this result.
DatabaseName Gets or sets the Database name.
ExecutedSql Gets or sets the executed SQL statement.
LJCDefaultFileName Gets the Default File Name.
ProcedureName Gets or sets the ProcedureName value.
RequestTypeName The request type.
Rows A collection of DbValues objects.
SchemaName The schema name.
TableName The table name.

Copyright © Lester J. Clark and Contributors.
Licensed under the MIT License.