/ Assembly List / LJCDBMessage / DbJoins

Namespace - LJCDBMessage


public class DbJoins : List<DbJoin>

Represents a collection of table joins. (E)


The common collection static method is HasItems()
The collection contains a copy constructor.
The common collection instance methods are: Add() and Clone().

#ctor Initializes an object instance.
#ctor The Copy constructor.

Add Creates the element from the supplied values and adds it to the collection.
Clone Clones the structure of the object.
4 Methods


using LJCNetCommon;
using LJCDBMessage;
// A Person Data Record class.
public class Person
  /// <summary>Gets or sets the PersonId value.</summary>
  public Int32 PersonId { get; set; }
  /// <summary>Gets or sets the Name value.</summary>
  public string Name { get; set; }
  /// <summary>Gets or sets the City value.</summary>
  public string City { get; set; }
// Creating the Joins collection object.
// Create the Joins collection and Join definition objects.
DbJoins dbJoins = new DbJoins();
dbJoin = new DbJoin()
  TableName = "Address",
  JoinType = "Left"
// Create the JoinOn definitions and add them to the JoinOns collection.
// Add the JoinOns collection to the Join definition.
DbJoinOns dbJoinOns = new DbJoinOns();
DbJoinOn dbJoinOn = new DbJoinOn()
  FromColumnName = "ID",
  ToColumnName = "PersonID",
  JoinOnOperator = "=" // Default
dbJoin.JoinOns = dbJoinOns;
// Create the Column definitions and add them to the Columns collection.
// Add the Columns collection to the Join definition.
// Add the Join definition to the Joins collection.
DbColumns columns = new DbColumns();
DbColumn column = new DbColumn()
  ColumnName = "City_Name",
  PropertyName = "City", // Defaults to same as ColumnName
  DataTypeName = "String" // Default
dbJoin.Columns = columns;
// Shortcut using object initialization, only required values and defaults.
// Note: JoinOn Columns must have properties in the Data Object
// to recieve the join values.
// The RenameAs property is required if there is another table column
// with the same name.
// dbJoinOns.Add(string fromColumnName, string toColumnName
//   , string joinOperator = "=")
// dbColumns.Add(string columnName, string propertyName = null
//   , string renameAs = null, string dataTypeName = "String", string caption = null)
DbJoins dbJoins = new DbJoins();
dbJoin = new DbJoin()
  TableName = "Address",
  JoinOns = new DbJoinOns() {
    { "ID", "PersonID" }
  Columns = new DbColumns() {
    { "City_Name", "City" }
// The Data Service creates the following SQL from this request which
// includes the DbJoins object.
DbRequest dbRequest = new DbRequest("Select", "Person")
  DataConfigName = "PersonData",
  Columns = new DbColumns() { { "Name" }},
  Joins = dbJoins
// select
//  [Person].[Name],
//  [Address].[City_Name]
// from [Person]
// left join [Address]
//  on [Person].[ID] = [Address].[PersonID]

Copyright © Lester J. Clark and Contributors.
Licensed under the MIT License.