/ Assembly List / LJCDBMessage / DbCommon

Namespace - LJCDBMessage


public class DbCommon

Common data message methods.

Request Columns
RequestColumns Gets Request columns from the baseDefinition using the propertyNames.
RequestDataColumns Gets Request data columns from the baseDefinition using the propertyNames.
RequestKeys Gets Request Key columns from the baseDefinition using the keyColumns and dbJoins.
RequestDataKeys Get Request Key columns from the baseDefinition using the keyColumns.

Other Public Methods
AddChangedName Adds a changed property name.
ClearChanged Clears the changed names.
GetChangedNames Gets the names of the changed properties.
IsChanged Checks if there are changed property names and outputs the names.
RequestLookupKeys Get Request Value Key columns from data properties for the specified column property names.
SetObjectValues Sets the Data Object property values from the DbColumns object.
SetObjectValues Sets the Data Object property values from the DbValues object.
11 Methods

Other Private Methods
DefaultToChangedNames Missing Summary
1 Methods

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Licensed under the MIT License.