/ LJCPHPCodeDoc / LJCDBAccessLib / LJCDbColumn


class LJCDbColumn

Represents a DB Column definition.


The LJCDbColumn object is used extensively throughout the LJC PHP files, utilities and applications; wherever data elements need to be dynamically defined or manipulated. It is commonly used to define database table columns.

The LJCDbColumn object is often used to facilitate moving data between a database table column and a data object.

A Data Object is an instance of a class that contains properties for each data element in a data source row. It is a strongly typed, object oriented representation of the data source row for use in code. It may contain common methods to assist with cloning and other Data Object functions.

Public Functions
GetDataType Coverts MySQL type names to PHP type names.
construct Initializes a class instance.
Clone Creates a Clone of the current object.
3 Functions

Public Properties
$AllowDbNull Indicates if the Column allows nulls.
$AutoIncrement The AutoIncrement flag.
$ColumnName The Column name.
$DataTypeName The DataType name.
$DefaultValue The Default value.
$MaxLength The MaxLength value.
$MySQLTypeName The MySQL Type name.
$PropertyName The Property name.
$RenameAs The RenameAs value.
$Value The Column value.
$WhereBoolOperator The Where clause boolean operator.
$WhereCompareOperator The Where clause comparison operator.

Copyright © Lester J. Clark and Contributors.
Licensed under the MIT License.