HTML: / Home / Entities

What is an HTML Entity?

If the element text contains reserved characters such as < or >, they will confuse the browser and the page may not display as intended. The reserved characters will not display in the text.

To solve this problem, the character must be coded in the text as an HTML Entity. An Entity starts with the ampersand "&" character and ends with a semicolon ";". As in: &lt;.

The less than sign is coded as &lt; and the greater than sign is coded as &gt;. The & character is coded as &amp;.

The non-breaking space entity is &nbsp;. It forces a space into the document and does not start a new line.

A paragraph element can be displayed as text on the page by coding it like this:
&amp;lt;p&amp;gt;A Paragraph&amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

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<- Paragraph            LineBreak ->