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The Anchor Element

The Anchor element displays the "Hyper Text" that gives HTML its name. It begins with the <a> tag and ends with the </a> tag.

The Begin tag contains some additional information about the element. This information is called an "Attribute".

<a href="page.html">The next page description.</a>

An Attribute has two parts: the Attribute name and the Attribute value separated with an "=" sign.
Notice that the Attribute value is enclosed in quotes.

The Anchor begin tag has one required attribute. This is the "href" attribute. The "href" attribute value contains the name of the page to be displayed when the anchor text is selected. The anchor text is usually selected with the left mouse button.

The anchor text is the text that is between the begin and end tag. This is the "Hyper Text". It is called that because when you click on it with the left mouse button you "jump" to the page named in the "href" attribute.

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